Barry J. Babin

Executive Director • Board of Governors Co-Chair • Co-Director of International Programs

Barry J. Babin, Ph.D., is Morris Lewis Professor and Chair of Marketing at the Ole Miss Business School. Barry first became involved with AMS as the assistant to the editor of Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) in 1988 and has been involved ever since. He previously served as President, Vice President of Programs, Co-Chair of the AMS Board of Governors, the AMS Co-Director of International Programs and Co-Chaired the 2011 AMS World Marketing Congress (WMC) in Reims. He is also a recipient of the AMS Harold W. Berkman Distinguished Service Award.

Barry has contributed extensively the profession with his experience and expertise. He served as the marketing section editor for JBR for more than 15 years and has co-authored several books, including CB: A Consumer Value Framework, Multivariate Data Analysis and Exploring Marketing Research. His articles have appeared in the JAMS, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Consumer Research, European Journal of Marketing and others.


Brad D. Carlson


David J Ortinau